Author: Brendan

August 24, 2013 / / Stuff

[Note: This is me voicing my frustration at the American Government. But also my deep disappointment in the majority of American people who do nothing to stop this behaviour. To those who do stand up and fight, well done and keep it up!] Edit 11/09: And now the latest… Crucial Unanswered Questions about the NSA’s BULLRUN Program With the recent revelations of just how pervasive (and invasive) the American Government’s surveillance is, in and OUT of their borders, I just wanted to state my current feelings on this. I’m angry.…

August 18, 2013 / / Pictures

Gale blowing through today…got the old sea pretty stirred up!

August 11, 2013 / / Stuff

Finished my coffee table on the weekend, my second piece 🙂

August 10, 2013 / / Diary

That mountain is so steep a baboon would need a walking stick to get up it. Talking about the new radio telescope going to be build in the karoo, “well lets hope they don’t ‘frak’ it up!”. (Referring to the fraking controversy in the karoo) On a car that stopped in the middle of road indicating … I could stick my arsehole out the window and make more light than that! Referring to the cars dim indicator…

August 7, 2013 / / Food

It’s been bubbling away all day. Be ready in a few hours if you hungry…. 🙂

July 30, 2013 / / Pictures

So a little late this is. Apologies. I was procrastinating as I’d initially wanted to write this big long post with a ton of pics and stuff about how bloody marvellous everything is 🙂 But.. that will have to wait! I’ve not even finished my Cape Town post… Eish. For now, here is the short and dirty version. So I moved in at the beginning of the month, so into my fourth week here now and I can say without a shadow of a doubt this was the best decision…

July 26, 2013 / / Stuff

Thought I’d share the moment. Sitting here taking a break on my veranda with the morning sun warming me as I sip a cup of tea and listen to the waves crashing while my dog lies at me feet. Life is good.

July 18, 2013 / / Stuff

95 Years young today, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. It’s such a privilege to have you with us still and congratulations on your 95th birthday Tata. I trust you recover your strength and make it home again soon. In celebration of this wonderful man’s life and achievement, here are some key moments that stand out for me.

July 8, 2013 / / Pictures