Author: Brendan

April 18, 2012 / / Technology

Newer digital cameras take incredibly high resolution images now. This is great, but what if you need to send a “smaller” version to someone? I sent this to a friend earlier to help her with using images on her new site, thought it may be useful to other folks too.

April 12, 2012 / / Stuff

In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up ‘revocation’ in the Oxford English Dictionary.) Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy). Your new Prime Minister, David Cameron , will appoint a Governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate…

February 16, 2012 / / Food

Been getting into making smoothies again. Great way to get loads of fruit in. My favourite at the moment: One banana Handful of white grapes Handful of blue berries Blend the fruit with some fruit juice, I use what ever I got on hand. Then add ice, about 5 or 6 cubes depending on how big they are, and blend again till all the ice is “gone” and the smoothie is nice and cold (and smooth…)

February 4, 2012 / / Food

The dessert I made for lunch today, yum! INGREDIENTS 1X 360g tin of caramel (or make your own with condense milk, I prefer this) 500ml cream, chilled. (Cornish clotted cream if you can) 100g of mint chocolate (if in SA, Peppermint Crisp is a good one) 200g of choc biscuits of any kind really METHOD Soften the caramel if it’s from a tin (just stir it up a bit) Whip the cream till stiff Fold the caramel into the cream Crush the chocolate and biscuits and mix together Use wine…

February 4, 2012 / / Diary

I was going to sit down and do some work but I’m just mentally exhausted. I not had a day off in three weeks so I think I’ll just spend this time writing a short hello to my friends.

January 23, 2012 / / Technology

Cross post from brendan@work Update 23/01: Wow. We did it. The biggest ever protest in history. We won the battle! Thank you to all that took part. Read about it: Read the original post  

January 6, 2012 / / Stuff

UPDATE 18/06:  Found a place in Kidds Beach, outside of East London and moving in on the 1st! More news and pics once I’m in! Hi Folks, So I been asking people I know for suggestions on where to live in South Africa. It needs to tick the following boxes: On the coast (preferably with great spearfishing or fishing spots locally) Must be a village or small town Ideally with the basics so no need to travel to get supplies (food/beer) Must have ADSL or good 3G+ internet access Friendly people Nice to haves…

January 2, 2012 / / Diary

Well. Some of you must be wondering what the hell is going on with me. Why you not heard anything or seen anything of me. The fact of the matter is it’s not you, it’s me. A cliché for sure… but still true in this case. I just need some more time to myself folks. Bear with me on this. I’ll be back and 2012 is looking positive. What I will try do is update you more regularly here (my blog) and on Google+ (time to dump Facebook and support a company…

January 1, 2012 / / Food

Gorgeous dessert. Made this for lunch yesterday. Enjoy! Ingredients 2 vanilla pods 300ml double cream 200ml whole milk 8 large free-range or organic egg yolks 75g sugar a bunch of lavender, flowers picked (optional, I’ve not added this yet, waiting for some fresh lavender – B) 4 tablespoons caster sugar Method Preheat the oven to 140°C/275°F/gas 1. Score the vanilla pods lengthways and scrape out the vanilla seeds with a knife or a teaspoon. Place the seeds into a saucepan, add the pods, cream and milk and slowly bring to the boil. Remove from…