Tag: Pictures

October 26, 2014 / / Pictures

Morning my friends, just a few pics from the past few days and my walk this morning. And just some thoughts…Enjoy the moment you in, take the greatest of pleasure in it and with the people you sharing it with. Live your life tapped into love.

August 26, 2013 / / Pictures
August 26, 2013 / / Pictures

Muddy writes; A good day on the Stannock. Biggest one 8 LB gutted.

August 18, 2013 / / Pictures

Gale blowing through today…got the old sea pretty stirred up!

July 30, 2013 / / Pictures

So a little late this is. Apologies. I was procrastinating as I’d initially wanted to write this big long post with a ton of pics and stuff about how bloody marvellous everything is 🙂 But.. that will have to wait! I’ve not even finished my Cape Town post… Eish. For now, here is the short and dirty version. So I moved in at the beginning of the month, so into my fourth week here now and I can say without a shadow of a doubt this was the best decision…

July 1, 2013 / / Stuff

Yes! It’s eventually happened. More news soon and apologies for the radio silence friends, it’s been mal trying to get everything sorted. Nearly there and the mad rush is definitely worth it!

August 4, 2011 / / Stuff
