Tag: social media

February 15, 2018 / / Stuff

Very thought provoking article from Seth Godin. Worth 3 min read. Every time TV and social media become significant time sinks in a household, pleasure goes up and happiness goes down. The solution is simple and difficult. We can turn it off. How many conversations get interrupted in a day or never even get started between the two people facing each other because of interruption from external media (TV, messaging, social media etc etc)? Often we don’t see what is right in front of us, because of the screen in-between…

September 21, 2011 / / Technology

And Facebook goes the way of Yahoo (Dodo) The Google+ project has been in field trial for just under 90 days, and in that time we’ve made 91 different improvements (many of which are posted here). Google+ is still in its infancy, of course, but we’re more excited than ever to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software. Today we’re releasing nine more features that get us that much closer. Read the full blog post Google+ opened it’s doors to all yesterday and considering they already have 25 million…