Tag: Windows

August 11, 2011 / / Technology

Cross post from: http://brendanpiater.com/?p=201 Completed a small scale backup solution today for the Metlife Mall administration office. They only have a couple of work stations but had no backup processes in place at all. Backups are only important when you need them. It’s not a case of if, but when you’ll need to restore a backup of your data. Certainly, backing up is one of the most important safe guards for your data.  If you not backing up, start today. Hard drives fail, accidents happen. Personal backups are a pretty…

May 20, 2010 / / Technology

I recently advised my dear Mother Duck on some software to install on her new Windows installation. Now those that know me well will now that I’m an advocate of Linux and open source software in general, but unfortunately it’s “just easier” to have her running Windows at the moment, long story.

However that does not mean that open and free software  needs to go out the window…There some great apps out there and I tried to include some of these in my selections for her.  I’ve listed these below in case they can help some others too. These are a mixed selection of propriety and open software, but all at zero cost.